The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15706   Message #142129
Posted By: Paul S
29-Nov-99 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: BS
Subject: BS
It seems that nobody can create a thread that doesn't directly relate to the finer points of music, without being attacked for not using the BS prefix. Many a thread that should have, or would have, died an early death has been extended to ridiculous lengths with people arguing "fer or agin" BS (yes, I'm guilty of this too). I would like to suggest some options:

1. Get over it. While much of the BS doesn't interest me either, not everybody shares the same interests. People will talk about unrelated topics no matter where they are.

2. I would like to offer up this thread as a forum for all future arguments about BS, so that I can read through other threads without having to read the same shit over again.

3. In this day and age, it's pretty easy to start up your own website, complete with message board or mailing list. Once you have your own website, you may dictate what is discussed.


PS: To quote another esteemed Mudcatter (there I go assuming my own esteem), "You're all a bunch of whiney titty-babies".