The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78787   Message #1421296
Posted By: GUEST
26-Feb-05 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: INFLUENZA
Do you know anyone who died this season?

Avian Bird Flu - nothing works - except one antiviral agent.

Today's headlines.
Tamiflu vanishing from shelves in Hong Kong.
London mayor orders 100,000 does for firemen and police.
New Zealand and Austraian governments order Ostitamivir (Tamiflu)developed by Gilead and manufactored by Roche.
Canadian government backordered for Gilead's Tamiflu.
Supply considered critically scarce.

Pandemic death tolls near a billion predicted. Virus has jumped from a dieing infant to a mother. Virus signs indicated in diahreha discharge - public toilets possible transfer agent? Avian Flu appears to jump to cats - after several Tigers were fed infected birds.