The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78778   Message #1421438
Posted By: iamjohnne
26-Feb-05 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?

If you don't trust the doctor, get another opinion. My fibroids did not shrink after menopause, although most do. That was why I kept putting off the surgery. But mine became threatening when my hemoglobin went from 10 which is low anyway, to seven in less than two weeks. I don't know about removing just the fibroids. My doctor tried with just a D&C and hysteroscopy but that did not resolve the issue.
Talk to another doctor if you are not sure. It is after all your body that they are talking about.
