The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78787   Message #1421805
Posted By: robomatic
26-Feb-05 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: INFLUENZA
Not to offend but that song seems to be as bogus as the appeal to fear implied by the originator of this thread.

A readable and informative book has been recently published by John Barry: The Great Influenza, (which occurred about 1919, exacerbated by troop movements towards the end of WW I, and killed way more people around the world than died in the War)

It is a valid threat, in fact, it is potentially way more of a danger than any ten terrorist organizations. But medical organizations are well aware of the problem, and fear mongering will do no one any good which makes this thread rather in need of an anti-virus, (GET IT GUEST? ANTI VIRUS!)

As The Great Influenza makes clear, the flu virus family is unusual vigorous in that it mutates, as Douglas Adams would say, several times over lunch. Getting the right anti-viral mix handy is an art as much as a science, so screaming on ignorantly about how this and that governmental agency is unaware and there will be a billion casualties is not on. Unfortunately, the experts do say it is a case of when, not if, but that is why it is one of the most watched-for developments among epidemiologists.