The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78778   Message #1421893
Posted By: rich-joy
26-Feb-05 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
CarolC - I can't urge enough, for you to investigate ALL the options before "The Big H" - and ESPECIALLY more than one medical opinion!!! All my doctor knew of was "Hysterectomy" too - he'd never even heard of the alternatives - and he was perplexed at my resistance, saying "but you don't ever want children, so why not just have it all out?" :-))))   (strangely, female GP doctors are often no better in this regard!!)

Science cannot agree on the causes for Fibroids and particularly for those that "get out of hand". It probably varies from woman to woman anyway - in my case it seems to be linked to being on The Pill for 33 years straight. I never seemed to have any problems with this contaceptive method, so the doctors "left well-enough alone"!! It was only at that late 40s-early 50s time of life, that it became evident that I was NOT getting off scott-free!!

Below is a link to one of MANY sites that detail the UAE treatment for Fibroids. It's not suitable for every case, but you may be lucky.

UAE - Uterine Artery Embolisation - is probably THE LEAST INVASIVE medical method for Fibroid treatment, which is a plus straight off!!!
Please check it out.

Also, check out the natural homeopathic treatment alternatives and the Chinese herbal and acupuncture treatments. If you DO decide to go for the chop, having as strong and healthy a system as possible is critical and these natural health practices will help you more than any damned pharmaceutical company product!!!!!!

Just my 2c worth ...

Cheers! (and Good Luck)