The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78787   Message #1422031
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Feb-05 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: INFLUENZA
Well, we had the flu here twice this month, and tried Tamiflu both times. My daughter was too far along (you need to take it ASAP, within the first 24-36 hours of symptoms) and it didn't help much for the first couple of days, she still had a high fever, though it seemed to help shorten the length of time she was sick. Last week my son missed the whole week of school, and the cough was pretty intense. But the Tamiflu made a big difference in how sick for that week. The symptoms were milder, the fever not so high and the achiness very limited. The cough was still pretty bad. It's expensive stuff, but if it means the difference between a milder case or an intense one, then it is worth the expense.

The kids both had flu shots last fall, a couple of days before the flu shot scarcity event happened. I didn't manage to get one. The flu going around here seems to be that A-California strain, that wasn't in the flu shot cocktail.