The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78787   Message #1422094
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
27-Feb-05 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: INFLUENZA
I'm asthmatic and so encouraged by my GP to have a flu jab every winter. I've had it twice now... and on both occasions I've had the flu. My theory is, as with other innocultations, you get given a small dose of the disease. This then activates your white blood cells to start fighting. They are now so busy fighting the flu deliberately inserted into your body, that they cannot fight any outside bugs and germs. Sooner or later, a different flu bug is going to come along and get you because your white blood cells are busy elsewhere. It's the theory of waiting in for the plumber... he will always call in those 2 minutes you were in the bathroom and unable to get to the door.

The flu jab can only protect you against the strains that can be identified and 'disarmed'.... for every 10 identified strains, there have to be another 20 unidentified, just waiting, lurking on the bus... in the train... sneaking through the aircon system... waiting.... waiting ...........



(Yes, I know that's not how it really works, but I'm no microbiologist!)