The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78832   Message #1422795
Posted By: jimL
28-Feb-05 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: 'Hearts of Coal' - Coope, Boyes et al -
Subject: RE: 'Hearts of Coal' - Coope, Boyes et al -
Hello David,

"Some of the songs though I'm still wondering what they mean. Like the last verse on We Work the Black Seam: "When you have sunk without a trace/ The Universe will suck me into place?" Is this a reference to nuclear meltdown and the China Syndrome, or the demise of Maggie Thatcher?"

Hmm - I don't know. When we're talking about traditional song, it's unsurprising when time has mangled the meaning. What *did* Sting have in mind I wonder? I think it's a really great song, but each verse is a little less literal than the last.

Does it mean that the Universe will have a place for those who are truly valuable while the arrogant and self satisfied will sink without trace?

It's a sign of a good song when you have to really chew over the intention of the writer.
