The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78787   Message #1423053
Posted By: LilyFestre
28-Feb-05 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: INFLUENZA
Regarding the flu shot and still getting the flu. The thing is that this year's flu shots were made last year with a "prediction" of what this year's flu would be like. Getting the flu shot may prevent some from getting a certain type of the flu but certainly does not protect against all the varities of the flu. In addition, if the vaccine prediction was off, the protection you receive will not be accurate anyway. I also do not get the flu shot. I do, however, HIGHLY AGREE with the hand washing business. I work with children, I attend a university and I do a fair amount of work in a university computer labs (have you ever SEEN these keyboards? Talk about NASTY!) and then there's church where we shake hands with everybody...I wash my hands OFTEN with lots of warm soapy water...usually twice through. I think the handwashing prevents LOTS. What are you doing still sitting here? Go wash yer hands people! :)
