The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67001   Message #1423545
Posted By: Azizi
28-Feb-05 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Ram Sam Sam (Rolf Harris)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A Ram Sam Sam (from Rolf Harris)
Is this song the basis for or connected to this children's song that I've heard in the United States [I'm guessing on some of the words and writting them phonetically}:

Ging gang gooli gooli gooli gooli
whatcha ging gang gool ging gang gool
Ging gang gooli gooli gooli gooli
whatcha ging gang gool ging gang gool
Hey la Hey la shayla
Hey la shayla
Hey la shay-a-lah
Hey la shayla
Hey la shay-a-lah

repeat [sung as a round]

Any information will be appreciated.