The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78856   Message #1423940
Posted By: GUEST,Julia
01-Mar-05 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Amhráin Na Féidearthachta
Sorry- I got it from the lyric database with no attribution or info
here it is


A mhaighdean rua na rónta,
A shaighead i gcroithe na bhfear,
Tá lasair ár dteampaill fónta
Is tá ré an mheirligh thart.
tá tine na rímhná lasta,
Tá ár n-aisling ag teacht go saol,
Tá amhráin na féidearthachta á gcasadh
Go binn ó chuar do bhéil.

Tá gloithe ar na déithe,
Na naoimh is na saoithe ceoil,
Bíonn mo chroí go híondúil téite
Ia tá fis ár sinsear beo.
Is é mo ghuí go gcreidfear iadsan
-a mhaireanns de réir an dlí-
go bhfeictear ríocht na gceart ar thalamh
is go dtuigtear bun gach brí.

Is é mo ghuí go gcreidfear iadsan
-a mhaireanns de réir an dlí-
go bhfeictear ríocht na gceart ar thalamh
is go dtuigtear bun gach brí.



Red haired virgin of the seals,
Arrow in the hearts of men,
The spark of our temple is rekindled
And the robber's rule has ended.
Our kinswoman's flame is burning,
Our dream is being fulfilled,
And songs of possibility
Are chanted sweetly from your mouth.

Gods have been invoked,
Saints and master-musicians,
My heart is constantly aglow
That our ancestors' vision lives.
I pray that they will be believed
-those that live by the law-
that the kingdom of good will be seen on earth
and the base of all meaning understood.

I pray that they will be believed
-those that live by the law-
that the kingdom of good will be seen on earth
and the base of all meaning understood