The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15706   Message #142398
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
29-Nov-99 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: BS
Subject: RE: BS: BS
I'm trying to post a response here but I keep cracking up.

Liam, I loved the joke.

Shortly after the revolution two Soviet generals were walking through the snow in Siberia. One was a former aristocrat, the other a peasant. As they walked, the peasant kept exclaiming about how wonderful the revolution was, and particularly about the miracle that he and one of his former oppressors could walk together as equals. The former aristocrat nodded occasionally but said nothing. Finally, after a couple of hours of the peasant's extolling the glories of the revolution, they stopped to take a pee.

"Comrade," the former peasant said. "I never cease to be amazed by the wonderful blessings brought on by the glorious revolution: here we are after walking side by side, talking as equals, a former aristocrat and a former peasant, here we are standing side by side, pissing in the snow. Isn't the revolution wonderful...but comrade, your piss isn't making a yellow hole in the snow as mine is...why is that?"

At last the former aristocrat spoke: "Dot's because I'm pissink on your boot, peasant."
