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Thread #78891   Message #1424697
Posted By: The Shambles
02-Mar-05 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: BBC Newsnight - asylum centre story
Subject: RE: BS: BBC Newsnight - asylum centre story
But, is it fair and reasonable to expect one tiny island to absorb all the worlds needy and suffering? It is not practical however altruistic you are.

That is another issue.

I hope that you would agree that the main issue here is that - whatever needs to be done - needs to done properly and needs to be seen to be done properly. And that subjecting these people to bullying and racial abuse as seen in this film - is not proper treatment to be offically sanctioned by our Government?

You can judge for youselves. Detention Undercover - the Real Story can be seen in full on BBC 1 at 9 pm.