The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78903   Message #1424728
Posted By: mooman
02-Mar-05 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: EuroGathering 2005 Countdown
Subject: EuroGathering 2005 Countdown
(otherwise known as The Not The Moor and Coast Festival)

Dear EuroGatherers,

As the previous thread is well over 100 posts now, I thought it opportune to create a new one leading up to the event. In the next day or so I will post up some practical information and a provisional programme (which of course will be open to complete rearrangement as usual on the day itself!).

As previously announced, the gathering will take place between Friday 29 April (for early arrivers) and Monday 2 May (for late leavers) and will be centred round our friends the Jerram family's farmhouse at La Garenne, near St Sigismond, near Niort (or Niort9 if you prefer) in mid-Western France (Vendee-Charente Maritime area).

Some people have booked floorspace and others will be camping or motorhoming in the ground. There are also some cheap hotels and B&Bs nearby and I will link to those shortly.

One such possibility for accomodation is La Bosselle in Damvix (about 2km away) which is where we are confirmed and will be welcomed on the Saturday night to play music and entertain the locals! Their website seems to be down at the moment so here is something retrieved from Google's cache which gives details:

Huit chambres, 1 salle de restaurant, 1 terrasse et son jardin ombragé.

À Damvix, au cœur du Marais Poitevin, l'hôtel Restaurant La Bosselle vous accueille toute l'année dans un cadre et une ambiance agréable et conviviale. En famille, entre amis, ou en groupe, venez découvrir La Venise Verte et explorer un milieu naturel extrêmement riche, en barque, à vélo, et pourquoi pas à cheval. L'équipe de La Bosselle ainsi que nos partenaires sommes à votre disposition pour la réussite de votre séjour. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter !

À bientôt à La Bosselle

Établissement recommandé dans le guide du routard 2005. Membre adhérent à la Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme.
Chèque vacance, Ticket Restaurant, CB et chèques acceptés

Hôtel Restaurant LA BOSSELLE
5, rue de la Garnauderie
85420 DAMVIX
Tél. 02 51 87 13 11

Saturday afternoon's "traditional" EuroGathering trip will comprise a trip by punt(s) around Venise Verte's famous canals and I assume musical instruments will be brough along for a session afloat (weather permitting!). If the Jerram girls come along we may stage a 'Catters vs. locals football match on a convenient-sized field they have. Again, I'll post details as I get them together with other addresses, maps and the like.

More information soon!


Richard (mooman)

Link to previous thread