The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78833   Message #1424816
Posted By: Singing Referee
02-Mar-05 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: Changing sex
Subject: RE: Changing sex
Sometimes the same words when sung by one sex could be interpreted entirely differently when sung by the other, especially songs that are intended to be sung by "the opposite" sex.

I've been singing "Oh no my love not I" since I first heard it sung by Mary Humphrey. It's written in the first person, narrated by the man of the story, but meant to be sung by a woman. If sung by a man without explanation, it could easily sound like an arrogant male boast, rather than the condemnation of the man's actions that it really is. The chorus "For when fishes fly and swallows die, young men will prove true" points to the true sense of the song, but I doubt that is sufficient to balance the argument when sung by a man.

It's such a great song which I love singing and try to do so with sensitivity, but would not want people who didn't know the song to misinterpret, so I start with an explanation which also gives me an opportunity for a little humour.

Or do I misjudge the intelligence of my audience?