The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78889   Message #1425465
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Mar-05 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where were you when.......
Subject: RE: BS: Where were you when.......
I remember when Ronald Reagan was shot and when it was reported that he had died...and how angry the announcer was. I was in elementary school at the time.

I was in Biology class when an it was announced over the loud speaker that the Challenger had exploded. One of our teachers had applied to be on that flight....

I remember whent he Gulf War broke out. It was the first time my generation had really seen the United States involved in a war. I sat in the living room (in Vermont) glued to the television and the best friend was on the other end of the line in Georgia. He would say, NBC, and I'd switch the channel...he'd say CNN and I'd switch the channel...we watched it unfold together even though we were miles apart.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my husband and I were driving up the side of a mountain....he was going to work and I was going to spend the day poking around an artsy community. We thought it was odd that a plane would hit one of the towers and thought perhaps it was someone in a small plane who was learning how to fly. We thought it was strange. We turned the radio off, he got out at work and I drove to where I wanted to shop. The store had a radio on inside and the announcement came that one plane had hit, then another and a third headed towards Washington...then the news that all subways were shut down. The store was absolutely noise, no movement. The news was repeated. An elderly woman who had been standing facing me started to cry. She came to me, held my arm and said, NOT AGAIN...NOT AGAIN. I'll never forget that feeling...
