The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78748   Message #1426146
Posted By: The Shambles
03-Mar-05 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: Padstow Darkie Days
Subject: RE: Padstow Darkie Days
Things may not be what is deemed currently - to be politically correct - but things deemed not to be politically correct were initially well-intentioned moves to politely address possible offence and what may become full blown racism - before they do. Being non PC and being rascist are not the same thing.

To view events like this as anything other than perhaps having some clumsy or confused aspects that may give offence to some - as possibly being racist is not helpful. When (even the local) the media suggest this or use these terms - they are being a little irresponsible.

Blacking up for guising mumers is not I repeat not Racist while dressing up as black men singing "polly wally doodle or whatever" is at best distatseful and worst Racist.

Events like Rochester Sweeps Festival look to be OK but perhaps there is not enough evidence either way for current Darkie Days. But even if the latter were as described, and I am not sure that it is, in the above quote - there are perhaps other words than distasteful and racist that could more accurately describe it. I think we would agree that it is not exactly the KKK or existing in anything like the same envirionment or culture.

For IF the troublesome 'minstrel' concept was the case - and the participants do not agree with this extreme outside view being expressed of their activities - they are more likely to dig-in and less likely to see that there may be aspects that could possibly be addressed to avoid causing offence.

There is also the view that imitation is a form of flattery. But if the intention is clearly NOT mockery - perhaps seeing it more as flattery - is the way forward.