The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78466   Message #1426259
Posted By: Amos
03-Mar-05 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: why do we need religion
Subject: RE: BS: why do we need religion

You-all better slow down waving your arms when you type or you gonna end up up a tree and no way to get down, dude!!

Every assertion is not religious and every philosophy is not a religion. Atheism is a single tenet that states God (as envisioned by CHristians, or Hindus, or Janists or any religion that has one or more) does not exist.

This COULD be a religious statement but it isn't necessarily so,.

1. a subjective relationship to certain metaphysical, extramundane factors. A kind of experience accorded the highest value, regardless of its contents. The essence is the person's relationship to God or salvation. Jung called them psychotherapeutic systems and believed they contained, offered a gradiant for, and transformed instinctual (hence asceticism), nonpersonal energies, giving people a cultural counterpole to blind instinct, help through difficult transitional stages, and a sense of meaning. They also help separate the growing person from his parents. For Jung, the unconscious had a religious function, and religion rests on an instinctive basis. Different from creeds, which are codified and dogmatized versions of a religious experience. Creeds usually say they have THE truth and are a collective belief. For Jung, no contradiction existed between faith and knowledge because science has nothing to say about metaphysical events, and beliefs are psychological facts that need no proof.

2. (generic definition of): A means of getting in touch with and of attaining at-onement with "ultimate reality." In slightly different words, a religion is a system of symbols (e.g., words and gestures, stories and practices, objects and places) that functions religiously, namely, an ongoing system of symbols that participants use to draw near to, and come into right or appropriate relationship with, what they deem to be ultimate reality.

3. Generally a belief in a deity and practice of worship, action, and/or thought related to that deity. Loosely, any specific system of code of ethics, values, and belief.