The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15706   Message #142631
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
30-Nov-99 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: BS
Subject: RE: BS: BS
Neo, Lou Gottlieb of The Limelighters introduced "Have Some Madiera, M'dear" as "a song of seduction--which none-the-less has the seal of approval of forces for good in the community." Gottlieb was a very funny guy. I couldn't resist posting it, both because it is a hell of a funny song and as an avuncular warning not to assume innocent intentions of avuncular--or other--types on the internet (or elsewhere). And, of course, to demonstrate to the purists that even BS threads are, often as not, music threads.

It's always a delight to hear from you, bonnie Bonnie. I hope I didn't give your parents too much of a scare.

--uncle seed