The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78468   Message #1426464
Posted By: hesperis
03-Mar-05 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do we need money?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do we need money?
I'm sorry that you found my attitude reprehensible. I have worked in an office environment where people did NOT practice any sort of defense against spreading their contagious diseases around and I ended up catching it all, as did the children we worked with. My coworkers had an attitude that going to work was the most important thing they could do, which was frankly wrong in that situation.

I also ended up doing a lot of their work when they were too sick to do it themselves. Then when I was sick, the acting boss for that week (the real boss was away) encouraged me to go home early rather than costing the company money due to my temporary incapability... thus getting me in trouble with the real boss when she returned. Just what I needed in my first job ever where I depended on the advice of my superiors in order to understand what was going on... but I guess sabotage is common in office work.

It looks like your situation is quite different, so I apologize for judging you by my own experiences with working while sick and the expectations thereof.