The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78958   Message #1426666
Posted By: Bill D
04-Mar-05 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
Subject: RE: BS: Martha Stewart: You Go, Girl!
it's strange...Martha probably doesn't really believe she did anything wrong, but there was ample evidence she broke the law and manipulated funds in ways we 'ordinary' people can barely comprehend. She got off pretty lightly, considering, and will probably make MORE money because of the publicity.

I'd like to see laws to prevent the chicanery she was involved in, rather than trying to 'punish' someone who can't seem to see that they are doing anything wrong.

Yeah...I'd like to see 'dangerous' criminals controlled better too...but white-collar crime is a major problem in this society, and unfortunately, the laws and rules are designed by the same class of people who tend to break them...