The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76690   Message #1426798
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Mar-05 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dunderbeck
Subject: Lyr Add: DUNDERBECK (Carmina Princetonia, 1894)
(Carmina Princetonia, 1894)

There was a fat old Dutchman and
His name was Dunderbeck,
He was very fond of sausages,
And sauerkraut and *speck;
He kept a great big butcher shop,
The finest ever seen,
And he got him out a patent
For a sausage machine.

O Dunderbeck! O Dunderbeck!
How could you be so mean;
(5)I'm sorry you ever invented
That wonderful machine;
For pussy cats and long-tailed rats
will never more be seen,
For they'll all be ground to sausage meat
In Dunderbeck's machine.

One day a very little boy
Came walking in the store
To buy a pound of sausage meat
And eggs a half a score,
And then while he was standing there,
He whistled up a tune,
And the sausages began to (1)dance
And hop about the room.

But (2)something got the matter,
The machine it would not go,
So Dunderbeck, he crawled inside,
The (3)reason for to know;
His wife she had the nightmare,
And, walking in her sleep,
She (4)gave the crank a h--l of a yank,
And Dunderbeck was meat.

* speck = bacon. Penciled notes (1) yump and skip (2) another day (3) trouble (4) gaf dot (5) I told you that you'd be sorry ---

Sheet music provided. Song copyright 1894 Martin R. Dennis & Co. No attribution. "Carmina Princetonia." The University Song Book Eighth Edition Supplementary. 178 pp. including Index, plus advertisements.
Martin R. Dennis & Co., 1894, Newark, NJ.

Still need "Our Own Boys Songster," 1876.