The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78961   Message #1426828
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Mar-05 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Movies you WISH they would do well...
Subject: RE: BS: Movies you WISH they would do well...
I would appreciate an accurate movie about Joan of Arc, but it would frankly take a 2 or 3 part full-length movie to do justice to the whole story. It would best be done by the French, I would think, as a 10-part film series. If they would portray Joan as her actual character (resolute, but forgiving...kind and gentle in her basic nature...fierce and utterly determined in battle, yet merciful to the defeated who carried no bitterness or desire for vengeance, but only an intense desire to serve her God, her Angelic guides, and her country.) Yes, IF they would do that, then they'd really have something.

If they would want to turn it instead into another "passion of the Christ" and emphasize her tortured suffering...then forget it. Joan was, above all, a triumphant and inspired figure. She stated in court that she had never actually killed anyone in battle with her own hand, but she always led from the front, and that was enough to inspire her troops to win victories that had been considered impossible prior to her assuming command of the demoralized French army.

I very much doubt Hollywood could get it right. They'd try and make her into another jaw-clenched "action" heroine with a modern feminist agenda of some kind worked into the plot...and that's just not it.