The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78778   Message #1427370
Posted By: CarolC
05-Mar-05 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Cailleach2001, thanks for your input. I started this thread here in the Mudcat because I feel among friends here. I know many of the people who post here personally (have met them in person), and feel a natural affinity for many of the ones I have not yet met. I don't think I would feel that way about a message board that is specifically about fibroids. I have been reading some of the fibroid message boards, but I want to know what my friends who have had experiences with these issues have to say about them.

The word "fibroidectomy" is one that I made up specifically for this thread title because I knew that most women would have some idea of what the word "fibroid" related to, but many would not know what the word "myomectomy" referred to, and I wanted to get input from the widest range of people possible.

I want to research MRI-guided laser ablation (of the fibroids) a lot more. I find myself feeling more comfortable with that idea than any of the others I've read about so far, but I don't know much about it, so that could change.

Right now I am taking steps to try to effect the fibroids without any medical intervention. I have reduced to almost zero all foods and beverages that contain substances that can act like estrogen in the body. I don't eat meat, dairy, or eggs, but I had been consuming quite a lot of soy. I have now eliminated all products containing soy (with the possible exception of soy oil) from my diet. I have noticed a difference in the way I feel since doing that. Plus I use a natural (USP grade) progesterone cream, which is an estrogen antagonist. I want to see if it is possible to reduce the size of the fibroids any by doing that.

In the meantime, I'll be doing more research on all of the alternatives, especially the MRI-guided laser ablation of the fibroids.

flamenco ted, best of luck to Penny on her decision and whatever course of action she decides to take.