The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15695   Message #142891
Posted By: Jeri
30-Nov-99 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: OS instead of BS designation
Subject: RE: OS instead of BS designation
Yep, Jon, that's it in a nutshell. People who are interested in music only can talk music only. People who like talking about life can talk about life.

Since the immature, sulky folks who make snide comments about BS or even attack individuals must have figured out those comments do nothing but add to the BS, it doesn't seem to me that it's really serious discussion of music they care about. It's about power and control. If they can't get everybody to play by their rules, they try to wreck the game. If they can't get the respect they feel they're owed, they try for fear. If they can't control, they disrupt. It's the same sort of behavior little kids engage in when they don't get their way. Intelligent adults usually ignore it. Are those of you who write snotty, vengeful comments proud of yourselves? Do you think these posts are examples of worthy contributions? Do you honestly believe anyone's going to listen to you now? Please note: if the shoe doesn't fit, let someone else wear it. Lots of people have been upset by this but very few have regressed back to thwarted spoiled kid mode.

The occasional mean comment doesn't bother me. The constant conversion of threads to discussions of gargoyle, or "us vs them" BS/anti-BS acrimonious territorial disputes is something I don't want to deal with. If discussions are respectful on all sides, I may read them. Otherwise, I've lost interest. What's the worst thing that could happen if nobody replied to a nasty post? One nasty post. Better than a lot of nasty posts. The power/control freaks can fume at their ineffectiveness.