The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78899   Message #1428939
Posted By: silverfish
07-Mar-05 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - March 05 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - March 05 things
I still haven't learnt any Simon songs since last year - does that mean I'm barred from to tonight? Or does it mean if I come I have to baa in the choruses while at the bar? It's all too much for my rapidly deteriorating brain...
I know!
If I can get over I'll be an audient.
With any luck someone else will turn up, then we can collectively be an audience, which is what all performers need to be fulfilled, so I'm tolled...
Although I get the feeling all some performers need is a couple of pints...