The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78778   Message #1429544
Posted By: GUEST,Cailleach2001
08-Mar-05 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
Subject: RE: BS: Hysterectomy vs Fibroidectomy: Opinions?
"progesterone" - my mistake, my reservations refer to "natural" progestrogen too ("natural" in quotations as it is formulated in laboratory, usually derived from yams, although formulated to be bio-identical to human hormone). Fibroids often have accelerated growth during the high progestrogen environment of pregnancy, U486, an anti-progestrogen has shown promise a medication to shrink fibroids (used in much smaller doses than the same drug for early abortion, only available in trials/less side effects and can be used for longer periods than Lupron and related drugs). Some women writing on health boards have told of experiencing increase in fibroid size while using progestrogen cream; this is anecdotal evidence, but Dr John Lee's "evidence" is no better.

It sounds like the progestrogen cream helps you feel good, but if you use the cream, be careful and monitor your progress or otherwise, stop if fibroids are growing.

I used castor oil packs, they didn't change the fibroids but they did feel very soothing. Ditto for shiatsu, etc I was able to feel quite well while I had fibroids, but since my fibroid uterus was equivalent in size to a six month+ pregnancy and still growing, I did need to take more invasive action.

I would group the ultrasound procedure as being related to the MRI-guided laser ablation and cryo-surgery procedures. It reduces fibroid size, I don't believe it obliterates the tumours completely. It's mainly for treating small tumours. Contact Brigham and Woman's hospital for info. that is more detailed, correct and up to date! UAE also reduces fibroid size, doesn't remove fibroids completely. But these procedures, when successful, leave you with [smaller]dead fibroids, harmless scar tissue that will not grow any more. If you want the lumps completely removed, you need to have surgery. Depending on the size and position of the fibroids, laporoscopic surgery may be possible.

I sing and play folk music, but I still think groups such as uterinefibroids at Yahoo are more fruitful for this discussion than is Mudcat. After joining one of these mailing lists, you find you feel familiar with the more frequent correspondents. Some people do arrange to meet in person - I met two members of smartgroups UK discussion group and spoke on the phone with a couple of Irish members, and I even had an invite to visit a fellow fibroid survivor in Florida. Some of the US Yahoo-group participants organise "meet-up" sessions in cafés. You find more women with person experiences, similar anxieties, people who have had myomectomies and other procedures. Some women are newly-diagnosed and desperately seeking info and support, some - particularly at uterinefibroids on Yahoo which is monitored and include NUFF board members among its participants - have a wealth of knowledge on the subject.