The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6803   Message #1430595
Posted By: GUEST,
09-Mar-05 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Spring Hill Disaster (Maurice Ruddick)
Subject: RE: Maritimes, Canada
Hello, friends:

I am keenly interested in the Springhill mining history and visited the town in 2003. My partner and I met with Dr. Arnold Burden and walked the former minefield. I first got interested in the town when I heard the Seeger-McColl song in the early 1960s on the Singalong Jubilee record (and the singer was from Springhill, but she was not Anne Murray) Do you know whom that was?

I am very interested in what the town is planning to do to comemmorate the 50th anniversary of the bump in 2008. Does anybody know what has been discussed?

I would also like to know if there are any good drawings of what the mines looked like at the time (diagrams or blueprints). The best that I have seen were in Dr. Burden's book which got me to a good point of understanding.

If anyone can help me out, I would be grateful.

All the best,
Ronald Glassford