The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79146   Message #1431463
10-Mar-05 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: funny irish wedding song
Subject: Lyr Req: funny irish wedding song
hello my husband i were on our honeymoon in New Hampshire 17 years ago. we stayed at a small bed and breakfast. in the lounge there was an Irish guy singing and he sang us a song. it was a sort of very funny love song about weather or not we would like each other in our old age. the words are on the tip of my tongue but i cant recall them. if i heard the song or read the lyrics i would know it for sure. but i cant find it anywhere. the place where we stayed is now gone and i don't know the guys name who was singing. but i was wondering if anyone could help me out. maybe you know of a few songs that it might be. any help would be appreciated.. thank you.. kelly inman..