The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79133   Message #1431846
Posted By: John Hardly
10-Mar-05 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
Subject: RE: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
The press has gone a long way toward silencing itself. The times they are a-changin'. MOST people get MOST of their "news" from the internet. Then they might tune in to the evening news to see moving pictures of what they've already made up their informed minds about.

The news cycle is too fast, too 24 hours, to expect much from the evening news.

And alternative, even better sources are out there -- Sources that admit their biases so that you can better make up your mind. More importantly, there are now sources out there that make it impossible for stories to get "spiked" as they once did.

Used to was that you'd watch the news and wonder why the logical conclusion of the story never seemed to happen. Now you see stories unfold and the better sources show themselves pretty fast as their "predictions" come true (while the not-so-good source's "predictions" don't).