The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79041   Message #1431914
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
10-Mar-05 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Italian Journalist shot by GIs in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Italian Journalist shot by GIs in Iraq
Raedwulf, I've been noting much good sense in your posts, so was surprised to see you saying: "she has a twice-over natural bent for distortion." Is this a reference to the susceptibility of post-trauma recollection as explained by Wolfgang, or are you hinting at something else?

By the way, Wolfgang, just to go back to the point I took up with Robomatic, and which you queried.... I had taken Sgrena's claim that there was no warning to be, inter alia, a contradiction of the US claim that warning shots had been fired. I still think a back-seat passenger could have formed a view about that. If the first shots she heard were the ones that hit the car, then she is entitled to say she thinks no warning shots were fired. I take the point that she has subsequently turned out to be a bit inconsistent about whether there were any other warning signals.

I'm pleased to see DougR seconding my suggestion that we give the inquiry a chance. I don't think it will be the cynical exercise that some are fatalistically expecting.