The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78997   Message #1432095
Posted By: Barry Finn
11-Mar-05 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Big Mick/St. Pat's Grand Marshall
Subject: RE: BS: Big Mick/St. Pat's Grand Marshall
Hi Mick>br>
Nice to see that you're the right coast, maybe you'll be able to hit the northeast a little more often. You'll have to start singing the "Rollin Mills of NJ". My man in NJ whose the man in the know says that NJ paid off Michigan to get you outta state so they could close up their borders before you could get back. They were in such fear of your return that they had Michigan offer (at quite an expense) you the GM's position knowing that you'd bite. Bite me, haha. Don't take it personaly but your picture's been showing up at every toll booth along the northeast coast from Maryland to Canada. Your name & #'s been put into the national database, don't not fly or go by bus or rail, to Michigan I repeat do not back. I've been watching a story about Marshall's & how the Dept of Homeland security has been investigating all Marshalls & Kendall gave you up as being the Top Dog from the mid waist. Oh, oh, a report just came in that Michigan is backing out of the deal & NJ's threating war.
May I suggest that you don't ware a kilt & bring attention to yourself. Up here in New Hampshire I've heard that they'll allow you entry & refuge with no possible chance of extradition, at a cost of course. The other conditions were no kilts, no singing or playing music & no more parades. You're lucky, this is the fisrt time NH has granted this status to anyone whose red faced & of Irish decent. Hey, is GM under PM or above? Seeing as how I like you, you can hide out here at my place for awhile, just keep a low profile, I don't want the town talking.Well I guess all I can add is that you have yourself a rea good time on St Paddy's Day. Hey, didn't St Pat hate the Irish & didn't he drive out the snakes because they were an important food source, so why the parade?