The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79005   Message #1432425
Posted By: Tannywheeler
11-Mar-05 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: Seeger/Outlandish Knight version?
Subject: RE: Seeger/Outlandish Knight version?
Whoa, Nellie.

1)There's a "song" (family of) about a knight courting a gal who has been bewitched (the knight has) and he gives her instructions on how to break the enchantment.
2)And there's a (family of) song(s) about a "knight" who seduces girls from well-off families, gets them to run away with him, kills them, and steals the stuff they've brought on the adventure, and goes off to repeat the process.
3)And there's a group about one who's trying to determine if the girl he's interested in is "safe" to hook up with, to which end he asks her trick questions that require special answers.
4)Not to mention numerous other scenarios....

The song I remembered was one Pete did (on the Bitter End album) of the #2 variety. Which is the variety you're looking for?                      Tw