The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1432429
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Mar-05 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
New year, new gardening question.

I was going through some old clippings this morning, tossing most but bringing a few back to the top of the stack for further consideration. I found one from Dec. 1994 that my Dad sent, to do with the discovery of the Wollemi Pine in Australia. It was thought to be extinct 150 million years ago, but a few small groves turned up. This story is much like what occurred in China with the Gingko and Dawn Redwood trees. Relatives of the Wollemi Pine, according to this site, are the "Kauri, Norfolk Island, Hoop, Bunya and Monkey Puzzle pines." They're not related to pines like those in the New World (Pinus sp) and elsewhere.

Have any of you put rare or unique features in your yards and gardens, along the lines of growing a tree like this? I have a Dawn Redwood in my front yard, but they are widely cultivated now, and this one will probably do very well in our creek-bottom soil. The Wollemi pine grows in a rain forest, so I won't attempt to grow it in the North American prairie. But what rare plants are you cultivating, or considering adding to your yard? And have any of our Oz gardeners taken a look at this tree?