The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9730   Message #1432803
Posted By: Brían
11-Mar-05 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: Irish 'Dog' Songs
Subject: RE: Irish 'Dog' Songs
When I was a wee pup and easy led astray
It's before I would work, I would rather watch the telly
It's before I would work, I would rather watch the telly
Watching Lassie by the flanks of Red Rover

By the flanks of Red Rover by my telly I sat down
Dad pulled out the rabbit ears the station for to tune
And when the show was over we all broke down and cried
"Oh Lassie, darling Lassie, never leave me"

Timmy took out his pocket knife and it was long and sharp
And he plunged it through (Oh I'm too much of a dog lover. I can't do it)!
And he let the credits roll for Red Rover
