The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79231   Message #1433625
Posted By: Cool Beans
13-Mar-05 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seeing all of Shakespeare's plays
Subject: BS: Seeing all of Shakespeare's plays
Seeing all of Shakespeare's plays performed live was neveer a lifelong ambition of mine until a few years ago, when I got close. Now I have only four to go; "Measure For Measure," "The Winter's Tale," "Two Gentlemen of Verona" and, strangely, "Othello." I'll take care of "Measure for Measure" this summer at Stratford, Canada.
Are any other Catters working on this, or have already filled out their life-list?
Movies don't count. Nor does having read the plays. High school, college, community and professional theater productions all qualify.