The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79231   Message #1433783
Posted By: alanabit
13-Mar-05 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeing all of Shakespeare's plays
Subject: RE: BS: Seeing all of Shakespeare's plays
I can't even get near this. I have sen MacBeth a couple of times, I have also seen two productions of The Tempest. Others have been A Midsummer Night's Dream, Tweflth Night, Pericles (a rare one that), Julius Ceaser and The Tamaing of The Shrew. The last one, regrettably, was in German. So the Bremen Shakespeare Company pulled off a very fine production of (in this day and age) a very difficult play, with plenty of wit, but alas none of the marvellous poetry. They then blew it with the last line, when the actress playing Katherina finished her closing speech and gave the line,"Manchmal es wundert mich wie dumm wir Frauen sind!" It pissed me off all right, but the women in the audience were seriously annoyed about being patronised and talked down to like that.
You guys are making me homesick. Maybe I will get to see something when I visit the UK in September.