The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79154   Message #1433788
Posted By: Cromdubh
13-Mar-05 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: What makes a good song?
Subject: RE: What makes a good song?
Well I agree that teenagers wailing out their diary entries makes for bad songs, I´ve tried to stay clear of that stuff for years now. I´m in late 20´s by the way. But some of the real great songs were written by the young. "only the rivers run free" was written by of a man in his teens.

Heres another not nearly as good as that. Just like throwing them out there. It is a speech type thing.

The apposable thumb

Well ladies and gentleman, let me draw your attention
to something, I really think desires some recognition,
Without it, I beat, these times would be dire,
All Buck naked, and soaking wet, trying to light a fire,

No language, no music, we couldn´t pen to paper,
No history, no artistry or no architecture,
We couldn´t fly through the sky, or sail across the ocean,
No PC, AI, IT , without a bit of evolution,

So a big thumbs up, we all should, give thanks everyone,
Come on, Come on, Roll on, Roll on, the apposable thumb

When you know you just got to go, but you don´t have any money,
The apposable thumb is the one, that can get you there for free,
And you meet a girl, and she´s beautiful, and later she says "yeah"
The apposable thumb is the one, that will unhook her bra,

It will do your work, it will sign your cheque, will take home your pay,
It will catch that ball, it will swing that hurl, it will play your E and A,
It will pull your pint, will roll your joint and later on you can hold your own,
Well done god, you did some job with that apposable thumb.


When someone does you wrong, and you just have to resist,
The apposable thumb is the one that will fullfill the fist,
And when it´s over and you fight no more and you both see your mistake,
the apposable thumb calms the storm with a heartfelt handshake.

It writes orders, which makes men soldiers, to enforce our freedom,
It holds the gun, it built the bomb, creates our own distruction,
Are we cursed or gifted?, do we drop or lift it?, when it´s decision time,
The apposable thumb is the one that will flick that fateful coin.