The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79232   Message #1434051
Posted By: Midchuck
13-Mar-05 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh No, I've got Plantar fasciitis
Subject: RE: BS: Oh No, I've got Plantar fasciitis
I have it in the right foot. I went in for a routine physical and told the doctor I had a sore place under the right heel that wouldn't go away. I gave it a poke with his finger, and said "there?" and I said "Ow, yes," and he said "Platar Fasciitis."

He said three things would help: arch supports, heat, and an exercise where you loop a rolled up towel or some such under the ball of the foot, at the base of the toes, hold the ends, and arch the foot down, like you were standing on tiptoes, against resistance from pulling up on the towel. They all do seem to help.

It bothers me very little - not at all most of the time - if I wear running shoes - old, flexible ones, but with good new arch supports. But that is not always an option for a lawyer in a Vermont winter.
