The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79267   Message #1435071
Posted By: GUEST, Hamish
15-Mar-05 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Nail Discussion!
I confess. I went to a new club a few weeks ago. There was a chap there with red nail varnish. It struck me as odd.*

It also struck all the other regular club members who knew him well as odd: it was the first time he'd tried nail strengthening and used his wife's only nail varnish. I rather got the impression he won't be doing it again. Not with the red, anyway.

*I didn't say anything, mind.

p.s. I also have long nails on right hand, short on left. My missus hates it, so if I'm in a long between gigs period, I clip 'em short on both hands.