The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75467   Message #1435116
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
15-Mar-05 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: New Jack Hudson acoustic CD
Subject: RE: New Jack Hudson acoustic CD
I heard the new trax done in Scotland. The album is going to be a cracker all right.

I think as fans we need to be making representations at this stage to Folk Roots to make sure it isn't sidelined into the we also received column.

It would be a disgrace if an artist of this stature who has put his life at the service of the English folk scene is ignored by the usual forces of ignoring everybody at the expense of those British artists who have the critical nod - from the oh so middle class and not very bright arbiters of taste.

Jack is a working class Derbyshire bloke and there are million ways he could have compromised his vision of what folk music is about, and most of us took those ways in order to earn a living as musicians. However he has remained true what he thinks is the right way to produce music.

The very least he deserves from the folk establishment is full length reviews, some play on the BBC and if possible interest from a proper record company.

Its not asking the world, for a lifetimes work. Its what is given very freely to desperately thin talents who just happened to play minor roles in bands who had a hit, or people who toed the party line and retuned their guitar to sound 'more traditional'.

Jack Hudson is such an intriguing talent. His guitar work is at a peak, the best I have heard during his career. I would urge the world not to miss out on him.

all the best

Big Al Whittle