The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79267   Message #1435245
Posted By: GUEST,joseacsilva
15-Mar-05 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Nail Discussion!
Thanks for the replies folks.In fact I already have miniatures of guitars,bongo in my office, Charmion, as pictures of my family and shows that I´ve done.I have a project in our local medical association in which we promote shows of doctors or their relatives that have some artistic ability(painting,poetry,dance or music), opening for the comunity, besides shows that I do sometimes with my friends.I agree with you ,guys , that the people that have this kind of prejudice show more of themselves, and this is terribly ugly.But I think that music compensates it all.I don´t give a damn about what other people might think about me, ´cause I´m not doin´anything wrong , and don´t owe anything to ´em. People can be really mean and false and sometimes we just don´t realize.
I´ll keep on picking anyway...
