The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79316   Message #1435594
Posted By: breezy
15-Mar-05 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: Moses 'Show' Friday St Albans
Subject: Moses 'Show' Friday St Albans
Friday 18th March

At the Windward folk Club St Albans

Upstairs at the Royal British Legion , Verulam Road, St A.

Over the last two years Christine Connolley has built up a repertoire of songs and has put on 3 Spotlight performances that have proved her to be a shrewd, entertaining, woman of song.

Her progress is being celebrated on Friday where she will be performing as the main guest at the now well established Windward club that has in 4 years booked most of the top names on the folk scene and really can be described as a friendly and progressive folk club, one of the best in the land.

The high quality of its resident performers is well known.

Christine is pulling out all the stops and will be calling upon the talents of all around her including some surprises that will have even the regulars wondering how she does it.

Doors open at 7.40 and it kicks off at 8.15


On Sunday it'll be Les Sullivan as the Spotlight guest

Yes afolk club that runs twice a week with booked guests every night

20th May ? will Vin Garbutt be able to make it after his recent operation?