The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79113   Message #1435999
Posted By: Lizzie in beautiful Sidmouth
16-Mar-05 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Tickets
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Tickets
Oh Ralphie! I an soooo upset! :0(

There are crsytal tears starting to run down my cheeks! Sob! If it wasn't for the fact that you're coming to support Sidmouth AND play I'd just collapse into a heaving heap of misery!

HOWEVER.....I've had a thought....Now I know where you're all going to be on the Sunday night.....I'll run down to The Bedford and give you a huge big ((((XXXXX SLURPY KISSY XXXX))))instead!

You'll be fine Ralphie, honestly!....I have that new denture cream that's advertised on the tele all the time! The Super Strong One! ;0)

Chuckle! Giggle! Splutter!

Oh dear me......this thread does make me laugh!

Lynne.....would you please STOP stealing all my Boysies!!!! Grrrrrrr.......! ;0)

Lizzie :0)