The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64745   Message #1436569
Posted By: Pogo
16-Mar-05 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: English To English Dictionary
Subject: RE: BS: English To English Dictionary
LOL...don't even get started on English and Southern English...

Mash the button (pushing the button)

If I had my druthers (meaning something like If I had a choice about it)

Riled up (meaning angry)

Yonder (meaning a direction...Over there yonder apiece...or Ovah yondah with the accent)

Betwixt (between)

Ill (meaning grumpy...She gets me so ill sometimes)

Sugar or Shugah (Kisses...Give Gramma some sugar, honey)

Arsh potaters (Irish potatoes...what my grandaddy always called them anyways)

Butter Beans (Lima beans)

Warshin' powders (Laundry detergent)

Drawers (Underwear)

Drank (Any beverage...I'd like a drank of Coker Coler, honey)

I reckon (I suppose)

heheh...and one of my favorite much chance as a kerosene cat in hell with gasoline drawers on...
