The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79117   Message #1436759
Posted By: greg stephens
17-Mar-05 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: Review: Cumbrian musicians in Stoke
Subject: RE: Review: Cumbrian musicians in Stoke
I should also correct a typo in my post of March 13, which might make it a bit incomprehensible. In referring to "weat Cumbrians", I meant to write "west Cumbrians". The discovery of big iron deposits in west Cumbria, the newly improved methods of making iron and steel, the huge demands for the stuff, and the concentration of ore-mining skills in Corwall: all these combined to encourage a huge influx of Cornigh immigration into west Cumberland, and specifically to the creation of what was effectively a Cornish town,culturally and architecturally: Millom.
   That's how my ancestors ended up in Cumberland, in Millom, Whitehaven and Workington.