The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15695   Message #143761
Posted By:
02-Dec-99 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: OS instead of BS designation
Subject: RE: OS instead of BS designation
Suggestions for a useful classification of threads

INFO?: Requests and follow-up notes on subject of folk and other old songs, music and instruments. No BAT, and only highly relevant BOS.
BOS: Bullshit On Subject of songs, music and instruments, I'll admit it isn't always BS. A better name for this category needs to be devised. OS is too vague. BS also need to be distinguished from trivial witticisms
BAT: Bullshit And Trivia on everything else, now the most popular category.
TFD: for idle thinkers that need directions to aim brain
ANN: Announcements of events, plugs for records/tapes/cds/etc., advertisements. Those 'You've gotta hear this' threads belong here. Citing folk and old songs by performer gives no information, it just gives plugs for one's favorite performer/s. Just Hero worship, so put them here, or better, on

No threads to start without a proper prefix

Credit where due: 'by' should mean the author or composer. 'As done by' for performer/s, e.g., "Now westlin' winds"-by Gaughan; in the favorite Scots tunes thread. It's not by Gaughan, it's performed by Gaughan. It's by Robert Burns.

Statements with no citation of supporting evidence are often nonsense, no matter how firmly the author believes it. In the interest of saving space, I haven't always cited full references to my statements, but am always prepared to do so, promptly, if asked. I think if questions arise as to accuracy of statements the author should be prepared to answer them promptly.

There's no moderator or censor for this Forum. If it's not to die by trying to make it everything, the end result of which is being nothing, we need some constraints.

Not everyone visiting this Forum has a good background in the subject of folk and other old songs and music, and hoaxes and facetious questions and answers don't serve to educate them. Maybe we need another category for these. They are certainly out of place in INFO? threads.