The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1438131
Posted By: Troll
19-Mar-05 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
SRS, using argumentum ad hominem makes you no better than the person you disagree with.

9/11 and 12/7 are both instances where US civilians died in enemy attacks. The total number of deaths in both attacks was around 6000. The fact that the two events were 60 years apart is really irrevalent. They took place on US soil or in a US Territory. They were innocent civilians, killed in an enemy attack. I think that was his point.

We, too, have had civilian casualties over the years and though others have had more than we have, it happens in war. Even one is too many but it happens. The Russian civilian losses in WWII make Iraq look like a minor fender-bender. There are STILL too many Iraqi civilian deaths but to attribute them all to US troops smacks strongly of ideological wishful thinking.

And what is the reason for pointing out Hubbys lack of musical posts? Last time I checked, this forum was open to all, not just the musically inclined.

Or would you rather have a quota system: one BS post for every three music posts?

That which is not compulsory is forbidden!

Jawohl, Herr Oberst!

And from what I've seen over the years, you don't tend to get along with the people who don't agree with you anyhow.
