The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79386   Message #1438160
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
19-Mar-05 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Clarifies His Social Security Plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Clarifies His Social Security Plan

We didn't say he's a dunce. We don't think he's a dunce. Lies a lot, but not a dunce. The point is that he's an embarassment to us. We've been around a long time a we can't remember any American president who was an embarassment whenever he appeared in public unless he's reading a speech. Please don't bring up Clinton. He had extra-marital affairs as have several recent presidents but the only embarassment came when the republicans forced it out into the open.

And as for the plan for fixing social secruity, you're absolutely right that he has not presented a plan for fixing it. He has, however, made countless speeches in which he first says social security is going "bankrupt" and then proceeds to try to sell his plan for private accounts as though that was a plan to fix it. Only recently, when asked the direct question, has he admitted that private accounts won't help the "bankruptcy" situation one bit.

Bev and Jerry