The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1438204
Posted By: Barry Finn
19-Mar-05 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
There's nothing correct in this number game with the exception that playing it is only a distraction.

Wither the number of dead is 10,000 or 1,000,000 the death of one innocent child is to much. Iraq & 9/11 no connection, Iraq was not a threat to the US. We needed to free the Iraqi people, it's a part of the war on terrorism. Why are we there & are we having fun yet. All after thoughts when the WMD didn't pan out like the rock solid intelligence that was presented to the world assured us it would. Numbers!! Can anyone come up with the amount spent as of today on the war? Can anyone come up with an amount that this invasion/occupation will cost when it's over? Can anyone tell us when it will be over? It seems to me that a privileged few thinks that war is good for business, their business. All the while the numbers that all this is costing will most likely remain untold. The number on jobs lost, the number social services slashed, the number it's done to our educational system, our health care, our future, our dead, our good name, our FREEDOM, are these any of the numbers that anyone would care to or dare to put an amount to? NUMBERS, no one will ever be able to put a number on what this has cost or what we have lost.

We can take all the statistics, the polls, the numbers, the surveys, the outcome of all the investigations, panels & inquiries and put them to good use as toilet paper. The bottom line is America & the world were sold a lot of shit & the price we will pay for generations to come will be dear, if it can be paid at all.
